Hep aid facilitates the digestion of nutrients, prevents the accumulation of toxigenic metabolites, protecting liver and kidney function, contributes to the growth of the body...
Feathers solution is an enriched nutritional supplement for plumage.It contains a wide range of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, ensuring a rapid change of feathers. It is used in case of seasonal and pathological pterorrhoea...
Electrolytes are metals that carry a small electrical charge such as magnesium, potassium and sodium which contribute to the proper functioning and regeneration of the muscles and the nervous systemElectrolytes support vital functions in cases of dehydration They help in the continuous recovery afte..
When we talk about probiotics, we are referring to specific living microorganisms, similar to those that make up the intestinal flora. These microorganisms survive the digestion process and pass into the intestine, where they exert their beneficial action, contributing to improved health by improvin..
It is an essential nutritional supplement for birds that combines calcium and phosphorus together to ensure the best absorption by the body. The body's requirements are particularly high during the breeding season and its supply is essential to have a properly structured eggshell to avoid malformati..